Thursday, March 19, 2020


Article – The words a, an, the, are called article.
                                There are two kinds of article –
a)      Indefinite article
b)     Definite article

Indefinite article – ‘A’ and ‘an’ are called indefinite article.

Error –
Ø  If any word starts with vowel letter and gives vowel sound then it takes article ‘an’ before them.
e.g. –
                I have a apple.                   (û)
                I have an apple.                (ü)

Ø  If any word starts with consonant letter and gives vowel sound then it takes article ‘an’ before them.
e.g. –
                You are a honest boy.                    (û)
                You are an honest boy.                 (ü)

Ø  If any word starts with vowel letter and gives consonant sound then it takes article ‘a’ before them.
e.g. –
                This is an one rupee note.            (û)
                This is a one rupee note.              (ü)

Ø  If any word starts with consonant letter and gives consonant sound then it takes article ‘a’ before them.
e.g. –
                This is an book.                (û)
                This is a book.                   (ü)

Ø  Article (i.e. a, an) is not used before the uncountable nouns and proper nouns.
e.g. –
                I have a mangoes.           (û)
                I have mangoes.               (ü)
                You have a milk.              (û)
                You have milk.                 (ü)

Definite article – ‘The’ is called definite article.

Error –
Ø  ‘The’ is used before a particular thing.
e.g. –
                Give me the books from the table.
                Switch on the table.

Ø  ‘The’ is used before the names of rivers, seas, oceans, mountains, islands.
e.g. –
                the Ganga, the Yamuna, the Bay of Bengal, the Indian Ocean, the Mediterranean, Sea, the Black Sea, the Himalayas, the Andaman and the Nicobar Islands

Ø  ‘The’ is used before the names of the newspaper and sacred books.
e.g. –
The Hindustan Times, the Times of India, the Vedas, the Purans, the Mahabharata, the Bible, etc.

Ø  ‘The’ is used before the unique things.
e.g. –
                the sun, the moon, the earth, etc.

Ø  ‘The’ is used before the names of religions and nationals.
e.g. –
                the Christians, the Hindus, the Muslims, the French ruled over Pondicherry, etc.

Ø  ‘The’ is used before the superlative adjective.
e.g. –
                the most, the best, the worst, etc.

Ø  ‘The’ is used before the ordinal numbers.
e.g. –
                He is the first person to do this.

Ø  ‘The’ is used before well-defined nouns.
e.g. –
                We must help the poor.

Omission of the articles –
Articles are not used in the following cases –
Ø  Before man when it relates to mankind –
e.g. –
                Man is mortal.
Ø  Before cities –
e.g. –
                Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chandigarh, etc.
Ø  Before countries –
e.g. –
                India, China, France, Britain, Nepal, etc.
Ø  Before names of persons –
e.g. –
                S. C. Bose, Sundar Patel, Mahatma Gandhi, etc.
Ø  Before days –
e.g. –
                Sunday, Monday, Saturday, etc.
Ø  Before months –
e.g. –
                March, June, July, August, etc.
Ø  Before materials –
e.g. –
                gold, silver, iron, etc.
Ø  Before abstract nouns –
e.g. –
Honesty is the best policy.
I value friendship.
He is known for his charity.
Ø  Before arts and sciences –
e.g. –
                Do you know painting?
                I know English.
Ø  Before titles –
e.g. –
                Lord Mountbatten, Lord Krishna, Prophet Mohammad, etc.

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