Tuesday, June 9, 2020


                                              BASIC CONCEPTS OF ALGEBRA

Constant- A symbol in algebra which has a fixed value, i.e., whose value does not change is called a constant.
                                e.g.- 7, -8, 0,  etc.

Variable- A symbol which can be assigned different numerical values or whose values vary is called variable or a literal.
                Variables are generally represented by a letter of the English alphabet as

Note- A combination of a constant and a variable as :  are also variables as the value of these terms depend upon the value of  which can change. Hence a combination of  a constant  and a variable is always a variable.

Algebraic expression- A combination of constants and variables connected by anyone or more of the symbols  is called an algebraic expression.
                                e.g.-  etc.

Term- A term is a combination of constants and variables connected together by the mathematical operators of multiplication and division.
                                e.g.-  etc., are all terms.
                Thus, in an algebraic expression  are terms.

Constant term- A term of the expression having no literal factor is called a constant term.
                                                the constant term is 5.
                                                the constant term is  .
Like terms-The terms having the same literal (variable) factors are called like or similar terms.
                                e.g.- etc.
Unlike terms-The terms not having the same literal factors are called unlike or dissimilar terms.
                Or, The terms which have different literal factors.
Various types of algebraic expressions
1.    Monomials- An expression which contains only one term is called monomial.
2.    Binomials-An expression containing two terms is called a binomial.
3.    Trinomials-An expression containing three terms is called trinomial.
4.    Quadrinomials-An expression containing four terms is called a quadrinomial.
5.    Polynomials-An expression containing two or more terms is called a polynomial.
Factor- When two or more numbers and literals are multiplied then each one of them is called a factor of the product.
                 A constant factor is called a numerical factor, while a literal one is known as a literal factor.
                                e.g.- are factors of term
                                                5 is a numerical factor
                                Whereas are the literal factors.
                                The numerical factor is -1 while  and  are literal factors.
Coefficients-In a term of an algebraic expression, any of the factors with the sign of the term is called the coefficient of the remaining factors of the product.
                                e.g.- In the term  
is the coefficient of  
is the coefficient of
is the coefficient of  and so on.
                Here,  is the numerical coefficient and  is the lateral coefficient.

Substitution-The process of finding the value of an algebraic expression by replacing the variables (literals) by their particular values is called substitution.
                                e.g.- the value of the expression

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