Monday, June 8, 2020

Essay 10+2

Essay, Speech & Letter writing
English of 100 marks –
Essay –
Evils of Dowry System –
            Respected my teacher, brothers and sisters, Good morning to you all!
            I am overjoyed that I have got a golden opportunity to express my idea regarding to ‘Dowry System’ in front of you all. Please be quite and listen to me carefully.
            Brothers and sisters, dowry system is the worst thing in our society. It is a great stigma for humanity. This system has abolished the sanctity of marriage. These days marriage has become purely a commercial thing. In the marriage market, marriageable boys are bought and sold. This system has degraded the dignity of women in the society. This hated system has filled the sense of inferiority complex in women. This system encourages corruption in our society. Due to dowry system, the girl’s birth in a family is considered to be a sad news. Even married women are burnt to ashes for dowry.
            This system must be checked. If not, we are suffering today and our children will suffer tomorrow.
            That’s all. Many many thanks to you all.

The problems of Terrorism –
            Day-in and day-out we hear the shocking reports of the act of terrorism committed by the terrorists in India as well as the other parts of the world. Sometimes it is the assassination of an eminent politician. Sometimes it is the blasting of bombs near crowded area. Sometimes it is the hijacking of an aero plane to blackmail a government to concede their just or unjust demands.
            Today all over the world is peevish with the problem of terrorism. Not to speak of developing countries like India and China, Even the supreme power of the world America is not untouchable with this problem of terrorism. This problem has retarded the development of almost all the countries of the world. Terrorism is the another name for dissatisfaction. Earlier this problem was limited only to certain areas but now it has spread all over the world.
            India has been peevish with this problem for about two decades. When this problem was solved in Punjab it transferred to Kashmir. The terrorists attacked the world trade center and the pentagon of America on eleventh September 2001. In that incident thousands of innocent people were killed. Though the attack on Indian Parliament by the terrorists was an abortive bead yet India is peevish with cross Border Terrorism problem in Kashmir. Nobody fills safe anywhere in Kashmir. There are many terrorist organizations working in Kashmir. There is always firing and bombs blasting in Kashmir.
            A single country cannot solve this vital problem. All the afflicted countries of the world will have to fight against this problem of terrorism in harmony.

15th August – Independence Day –  
            My eyes are filled with tears only to imagine those days when India was under British rule and they were forced to lead jail type life. But the joys of Indians knew no bounds when India was declared as an independent country on 15th August 1947.
            A long chain of slavery was broken and a new India was born. Actually 15th August was the final outcome of long struggle of Indians. 15th August is a red letter day in the history of modern India.
            We celebrated this day with great pomp and show every year. On this day we also remember those martyrs who gave us freedom having scarified their lives.
            National flags are hoisted in schools, colleges and all government offices. This day has a special importance to all Indians. On this day we also take this vow that we have to protect the freedom of our country even after shedding our blood.

Corruption –
            Today our whole society is steeped in corruption. Every walk of our life is affricated with this disease which is spreading like cancer and has become incurable. In government offices, it is present from top to bottom. The government employees occupying high posts are also corrupt. On the contrary they are more corrupt then the lower employees. Our politicians are also responsible for corruption to a great extent. They themselves being corrupt encourage corruption in the society. These days politics has become the most profitable business. Instead of serving the people, our politician want to earn only money and to lead fast life.
            Only to accept bribe is not corruption. To give bribe is also corruption. To accept dowry and give dowry is also corruption. At present all our academic institutions have become from bad to worse. To pass the students on the basis of money and recommendation has become a common thing. To accept salary and not to teach the students attentively is also corruption. From this point of view most of our government teachers are corrupt. The students who do not take proper care of their study and delude their teachers and parents are also corrupt. Not to speak of our businessmen, they are looting the country. They want to be multimillionaire overnight by adopting all wrong ways.
            It is true that these days corruption is getting social acceptance. But the intellectuals of the society will have to start a struggle against this incurable disease otherwise it will ruin our entire society. Nothing would happen only to offer water to Mahadev or to keep the Roza or to read the Bible or visit the Gurudwara.

Is Science a blessing or a Curse –
            The modern age is an age of science. Science has changed the face of the world. It has given us both good and bad things. Science has brought heaven to the earth. It has given us so many things to make our life happy and comfortable. But at the same time it has also produced such things which can destroy the whole world in a few minutes. Thus science is both a blessing and a curse.
            The inventions of wireless sets, radios, televisions, telephones, mobiles, computers, internets, etc. are some of the wonders of science. A man sitting in his bed-room can talk to a person who is thousands of kilometers far from him. Computers have made all our calculations easy and simple. Electricity runs big machines and it turns a night into a day. Science has made a great progress in the field of medical science. In the past, many people died of Cholera, T.B., Plague, etc. but now these disease have become common.
            But this is the picture of one side only. Science has made our life quite unsafe today. It has produced such bombs and weapons which can destroy the whole world in short time.

Importance of Discipline –
            Discipline is nothing but action according to rules. It is needed everywhere. Life without discipline is no life. No school or college can run if the students do not respect their teachers. So discipline is must for studnets. It has rightly been said, “Just as a sea cannot be imagined without water and a desert cannot be imagined without sand so an ideal student cannot be imagined without discipline.”
            Even a small family cannot be happy and peaceful without discipline. Everything will be topsy and turvy without discipline. No games or sports can be played if the players do not obey their captain. In army discipline is compulsory. Soldiers have to obey the command of their officers blindly. There is discipline even in Nature. The sun rises and sets in time. Seasons come in time.
            Discipline does not kill our freedom. It is like a brake which controls its speed. The lesson of discipline should be taught early in childhood because it is very difficult for an old monkey to learn new tricks.

Importance of Education/Value of Education –
            Education is the preparation for life. It is the light of life. An illiterate man is like an animal without a tail. He cannot understand even himself properly. It is only education that teaches us good manners and discipline. In course of time the value of education has increased all the more. Only a literate person can build a literate society. An educated man is a gem of his family. Whereas an uneducated man is stigma of his family. Only an educated person can understand what is happening all over the world. He can understand his responsibility properly/well. Therefore education is the order of day.

Your hobby –
            Hobby is a personal trait bestowed to every individual by nature. Hobby means an object of personal interest apart from. One’s daily routine.
            Every individual is supposed to have some hobby of his/her own. We are not machines. We cannot always go on working for profit. There is the proverb, “All work and no play makes Jack as dull boy.” If we go on working all the time, our life will become dull. All of us want to get out of such a dull life. In fact there is also time to relax. We need some hobby to remove dullness and to create interest in life.
            There are different kinds of hobbies. Some of them are gardening, fishing, reading books, photography of painting, music, collecting stamps and others. Of all these popular hobbies. I like stamp-collecting most. I like to collect stamps scientifically. I started this collection when I was about ten.
            Now, I purchase stamps of different countries from time to time. My collection is not costly. Stamp-collecting is of great value. Stamps have a historical importance. Stamps also give us geographical information. Postal stamps give us information about many things.
            I like stamp-collecting because it is of great interest. The collection of new stamps gives me the joy of a discovery. By pursuing this hobby, I have made friends with people cultivating a similar habit all over the world.

The book you like most –
            I generally read those books which have stood the test of time, I like only those books which have been worthy of study over years. I have read a number of books which I would like to read again there are many books which are my favorite. However, I love the tragedies of Shakespeare, the novels of Dickens and the plays of Bernard Shaw. But, there is one book which is my most favorite. It is ‘Macbeth’ written by Shakespeare. It is a tragedy. Still l like it. Macbeth is the story of an ambitious man Lady Macbeth is no loss ambitious. They hatch a conspiracy to kill king Duncan Macbeth succeeds in his aim. He kills the king himself becomes the king of Scotland. Lady Macbeth becomes the queen. After that, Macbeth plans the murder of his chieftain, Bangue and Lady Macduff and her son because they are closely related to his enemy Macduff. But at the end, Macbeth dies at the hand of Macduff. Lady Macbeth becomes mad and commits suicide.
            The story has been told very beautifully by Shakespeare. If we begin the book once, we cannot help finishing it in one reading. It interests the reader very much.
            The characters have been drawn in a marvelous way. The characters of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are very appealing. The chief attraction lies in the character of Lady Macbeth. She appears to be a fearful woman by her speeches. In fact, she is very tender and soft. We sympathize with her due to her tragic end.
            I love Macbeth for its wonderful speeches. I love Macbeth for its witches and ghosts. It has a great moral lesson. It teaches that the wages of sin is death. Those who follow wrong course will surely come to grief one day.

Television or Importance of T.V. News –
            Ours is an age of science. Science has brought about marvelous changes in the life of man. The invention of wireless telegraph has added to our moments of joy. It has given us television. Tele means distance and vision means sight. Television thus means seeing things within a limited range of distance. We must be thankful to J.L. Baird, the famous scientist who invented this magic picture box or now called Idiot Box. It has revolutionized our life. We cannot only hear the actors, singers and speakers but also see them in action hundreds of miles away. We can have a glimpse of various activities. We can enjoy Test Matches. All this has become possible while sitting comfortably in our houses.
            Television is no more luxury. It has become necessity. It has become the greatest source of entertainment. After hard day’s labour, one can relax by watching T.V. programmes. It relays chitrahar, a programme of selected songs from different pictures. It relays serials which provide amusement. It relays children programmes as well. We can also watch films on fixed days. There is no need to stand in long queues at cinema halls.
            Besides entertainment, it also educates. There are formal educational programmes selected teaching give lesson on the T.V. on different subjects. In fact, learning through T.V. is more interesting. Students can better view the experiment on television screen.
            There is, however, the dark sight also. Some programmes have a bad effect on children. Moreover, they want watch T.V. from close distance. This may damage their eye sight also.

Election –
            Democracy is a government of the people, by the people and for the people and it is based on the foundation of elections. It is elections through which people elect their representatives for Parliament and State assemblies. If there is no democracy, elections have no value but in a democratic form of government. Elections are necessary otherwise democracy will be turned into dictatorship. People voice their likes and dislikes through elections political political parties have to seek the mandate of people through elections for the implementation of their polices. However, elections today have become a costly affair. Money and muscle power plays important roles in winning elections. The election commission is trying to minimize their role in the elections but unless and until elections are founded by the Government. The role of money power cannot be curbed. People should never vote in the name of caste and community very recently Bihar voted for development and set an example. For the people of other states. In fact there is no alternative to elections in a democracy.

Information Technology –
            It is said the modern age is the age of Information Technology. Information today definitely has become a power in the hands of the common people. Many many thanks to Science and its inventions. Letters books, newspapers, telegrams, taxes, telephones, television, mobile phones, text messages and now the farthest tool – email has made the reach of all to information. It is how readily available at will and at the click of mouse button. Man today is more informed than ever before. This access to information has opened new vistos for him. He has conquered today new horizons. At the some time he is troubled with the task of managing information which has become a necessity. Information, important for one or nor, comes to him. It is difficult for one to scrutinize the information as useful and useless. Still we can say that information technology has opened new vistos for not only the new generation but for humanity as a whole.

Role of Science in the Present Age – 
            The modern age is an age of Science. Science has done wonderful service to man. We see the work of science in every walk of life. But it is both good and bad. The two world wars shoe that science is very destructive. But science has given us some good things, too. Of course, a war in the modern age means the end of the world. At the same time, we cannot forget the blessings of Science.
            The progress of Science in the field of medicines and surgery is remarkable. Many new mediciens are available today to cure us of some deadly diseases. Now major operations of the brain or the heart are easy. Science has solved many of our problems in travelling. Distance is no problem now. We have cars, jeeps, trucks, buses, trains, trams, ships, planes, helicopters, etc. Telegraph, wireless, telephones, radio, television, mobile, computer, internet and fax are some other wonders of Science.
            But we cannot forget the other side of Science. Nuclear weapons can finish the whole world in no time. But Science is neither good nor had by itself. It depends on how we use it. So Science is always in the service of man. Let us make the best use of it.

Global Warming –
            Undoubtedly Industrialization helped to raise the standard of living of the modern man to a lived experienced never before. Even then the human need and demand for commodities and luxuries is growing at a rapid pace and with it is growing the dumping of industrial wastes leading to a dangerously polluted environment. The smoke coming out of the chimneys of the industries and from the vehicles has polluted the atmosphere as never before. The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has increased from the normal lived of 0.03% to an alarming state. This rise in the level of carbon dioxide has given rise to the atmospheric temperature leading to the melting of polar ice caps. The atmospheric temperature during summer rises to 450 or even greater at places. Melting of ice will result in the immersing of coastal areas under water. Many coastal cities of the world will be drowned. The rising atmospheric temperature will also lead to cancer and other disease. It is also casting danger on the survival of many species of creatures on the earth.
            In short, we can say that global warming is danger posed by the human beings on its own existence. In sincere efforts are not worked out soon, it will be too late to have time for such solutions.

An Indian festival/the festival you like most –
            India is a country of fairs and festivals. People of different religions live in India. They observe their festivals in their own way. The Durga Puja, Depawali, The Saraswati Puja, Holi and Chhatha are some of the festivals of the Hindus. Id and Muharram are main festivals of the Muslims. Easter and Christmas are the chief festivals of the Christians.
            Of all the festivals on the Hindus, I like Durga Puja most. It has a spiritual importance. Worship to Goddess Durga purifies the soul. Durga Puja has a religions background. It is said that Goddess Durga killed the demon Mahishasure who was a terror to all. This Puja shows the victory of goodness over evils. Goddess Durga is the symbol of love and hope.
            Durga Puja generally held in October or November. People celebreate this puja with great joy. Children, ladies and men visit the fair. They make offerings to goddness Durga. This puja is celebrated both in towns and in villages.
            Durga Puja is a religions festival. It deeply rooted in Indian life and culture. It is one of the most important of all Indian festivals.

Unemployment –
            Unemployment is an old problem of India. It is becoming more and more serious day by day. India has the population of about 100 crores many of the Indians are jobless. The problem of unemployment is rising fast. every able bodied man and woman must get unemployment it not, the problem of unemployment will create difficulties for the development of the country.
            First of all we must chich the fast rising population. This will help us solve the problem of unemployment.
            The education system of our country should be made need based. It should be job oriented. It must make our students self-dependent.
            A change in the mental make-up of our boys and girls are necessary as many of them are service minded, they do not want to take risks. They do not like to start business or small scale industries.
            In brief, we have to solve the problem of unemployment for this both long and short measures should be taken population growth has to be checked family planning should be made population. Education system should be made productive. Thus, the problem of unemployment may be solved.
Price Rise –
            Price rise breaks the backbone of a common man. In India price rise is a regulate feature sometimes the government raises the price sometimes things go underground. People have to buy them in the black market. They have to pay higher price. The government of India tries to check it. But it has not yet succeeded. So common people are hard bit.
            There are many causes of price rise. Sometimes the production of things goes down. It the supply is short, the demand may be great. Naturally prices will go up.
            Sometimes price rise is a must. If the price of material is high, the production cast will also be high. But on many occasions people have to suffer on the account of the faulty distribution system. The artificial shortage of tings is created. Thus people are exploited.
            Another cause for price rise is the fast growing population of Indian.
            But Price rise has to be checked the government and public must try to raise production. They must try for a fair a distribution of tings. Black marketers hoarders should be severely punished. We must have more and more fair price shops. Every efforts should also be made for checking population growth. So checking the price rise is the order of the hour.

Importance of T.V. New or Television –
            Television is one of the most important inventions of the 20th century. Today it is as popular a radio. Television is a good and healthy source of both entertainment and education. The word seems to have become small because of television. We can see with our eyes the events that take place hundreds and thousands of kilometers away from us. Thus television a powerful medium of mass communication. In television, the programs of news are most important for our life. There are many types of news for giving us. Such as about world sports, films etc. Television is also just like newspapers.
            Television is useful for a developing country like India. We found most knowledge through the television news. In world what is happening. In the society, we see in the television. We know about weather also. We can develop international understanding through television programs. It is a land of different religions, cultures and languages.
            The aim of our television programs is to promote national integration. In television, news channel are the most important. In news changed we know about the news. We should spend most time to see the news. To see news we know about films, sports, etc. People all over the country can be educated about family planning schemes television news is very important for us.

Place of woman in Indian Society –
            Men and women are just like the two wheel of a cart. They are equal in importance and they should work together in life the one is not superior or inferior to the other. Women were treated well in ancient India. But with the coming of Islam they lost their glory. They were cut off from the main stream of social life. Society did not respect them and give them their due position.
Time changed women came forward. They took part in the freedom movement of the country. They taught hand in land with men for Indians Independence women all sections of society revolted against the purdah system. They did not like to live within the four walls of their houses.
            Soon after Independence Indian women got back their honor and dignity they started taking part in the political and social affairs of the country. Many of them are working as doctors, scientist, engineers, police, officers, teachers, lawyers and magistrates. Now women complete with meaning. All India services they are doing much better than men. They capture most of the merit positions in university and completive examinations.
            We celebrated 1975 as the international women’s year. But women should not misuse their position. They most know their rights and duties. They have to do something for their families and nation. Only than our society can be happy and the nation happier.     

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